Maternal Fetal Nutrition - Guidelines Through Pregnancy and BreastfeedingDetailsA presentation review of nutrition recommendations through fertility, pregnancy and lactation. Presentation to include applications/serve as a resource for the clinician, including the following topics: Fertility & Nutrition Ways nutrition can promote fertility Nutrition Through PregnancyOB Lingo Basics Estimated Nutrient NeedsFoods to be AvoidedCommon Nutrition ConcernsPostpartum/Breastfeeding NutritionBenefits of BreastfeedingContraindications to BreastfeedingThe Anatomy of BreastfeedingFailed/delayed Lactoneogenesis Nutrient Needs While Breastfeeding This webinar will be presented live on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 3 pm. Performance Indicators
Learning Objectives
Shelby is a Clinical Dietitian with Northwestern Medicine and recently celebrated her 4 year anniversary in this role. Prior to joining the Northwestern System, she completed her Undergrad at Illinois State University and her Dietetic Internship at OSF Saint Francis in Peoria, IL. She recognized an interest in Maternal/Fetal nutrition during her Nutrition Through the Lifecycle class and this passion has only grown along the way. She spent as much time as she could on the OB unit at OSF and enjoyed providing nutrition care for the high risk pregnancy women as well as postpartum moms. After completing her internship, she continues to explore where her career can go with this niche - she has held her CLC certification for over 3 years and is currently working on expanding nutrition services provided to women on the inpatient OB unit as well as in the outpatient setting. Outside of her career, Shelby prioritizes time with her family; she loves camping, being on the lake. Shelby's family grew this last year when her and her husband welcomed their son Rowan - Becoming a mom and breastfeeding has given her amazing new perspectives that she has been able to apply to her work with pregnant and lactating women.
No conflict of interest to disclose