
Advocacy allows individuals to have their voices heard in the public sphere and attracts attention from politicians. By advocating for a cause, individuals are able to spotlight their perspective to the wider community and act as a catalyst for change. Advocacy can directly influence decisions in laws and policies.

Advocacy Day- information on Advocacy Day and Advocacy Day On-the-Go Toolkit 

Licensure- information on Illinois licensure and the importance of professional licensing

How to Report Harm- information on how to file a complaint using the Academy's Incident Reporting Tool

State Public Policy- information on finding your State Legislators, bill monitoring, licensure and Advocacy Day

Federal Public Policy- information on finding your Federal Legislators, completing action alerts and Advocacy Summit

House of Delegates (HOD) - information from Delegates who have a key connection to the Academy's constituency

Payment- information on payment and reimbursement for nutrition services (Members Only)

Resources- resources related to advocacy and public policy